Bad Santa

Very funny and interesting quest, where you will play the role of bad Santa. He got drunk on his only workday after righteous labor and lost control, falling just near the brothel in which the "breakfast" party was held. Where grandfather, of course, was not averse to getting... ;)

Game screenshots: 

Santa's attempts to get into the brothel, erotic flash game Bad Santa
Santa in a brothel, porn flash game Bad Santa
Christmas gift for bad Santa, erotic flash game Bad Santa


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Парень-ботаник, все время терпел издевательства от качка-одноклассика, пока в руки к ему не попала магическая книга. Теперь с помощью волшебства молодой человек ставит сексуальные эксперименты над собой и над симпатичной девушкой злодея. ;)

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