This Game is a Joke

A game in which the name itself speaks of its playfulness. There are no difficulties or tests, and the enemies are made just to click on them with a mouse and see how they die. But there are a lot of pictures of a beautiful naked girl and nice music that will accompany you to the very end of this short but unusual game.

Game screenshots: 

This Game is a Joke — one of girl's pictures
A little level for ladies («This Game is a Joke»)
Erotic game This Game is a Joke — girl's picture from the last level


Other games: 

The Dirty Ernie Show 5 A new beauty of an elderly house, an erotic flash game The Dirty Ernie Show 5

The fifth part of the Dirty Ernie adventures. This time in the elderly house there was a new beauty, behind which Buck seduced, but not for long. The Nursie is going to put an end to this, in which old Ernie will willingly help... For a small reward, of course. ;)

Лучшие, Эротическая игра, Рисованные девушки
Diva Mizuki Portal Мизуки и голые девушки, порно-флешка Diva Mizuki Portal

Интересная и забавная игра, смысл которой состоит в том, чтобы успеть заняться любовью с определенным количеством девушек за ограниченное время. На первом уровне с тремя девушками, на втором — с десятью и по нарастающей. Кстати говоря, эта флешка с отсылкой к игре Portal. ;)

Порно-игра, Рисованные девушки
Passion Hotel Naked girl from a porn flash game Passion Hotel

This story is about how one cute young man meets a beautiful girl and seduces her. They rent a room in a hotel where a smart guy undresses a beauty, corrupts it and... well, you know what will happen next. If you do everything right, the girl will be very pleased. ;)

Лучшие, Порно-игра, Рисованные девушки

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