Meet'N'Fuck Magic Book

The nerd boy, all the time endured mockery from the bully classmate, until he did not get a magical book in his hands. Now with the help of the magic, a young man puts sexual experiments on himself and a pretty girl villain. ;)

Combinations for girl's transformations: Drekavae + Leeraal = Sexy Russian, Drekave + Labasu = Furry, Drekave + Jikininke = Huge Milk Tits + Action, Drekave + Pazuzu = Native American, Drekave + Sindragasum = Witch, Drekave + Haagenti = Black Angel + Action, Leeraal + Labasu = Sheeva, Leeraal + Jikininke = Chun Li, Leeraal + Pazuzu = Another Native American + Action, Leeraal + Sindragasum = Pirate, Leeraal + Haagenti = Robot, Labasu + Jikininke = Medusa, Labasu + Pazuzu = Blue Haired with weird staff and gems, Labasu + Sindragasum = Dominatrix + Action, Labasu + Haagenti = Avatar, Jinkininke + Pazuzu = Amazon Women, Jinkininke + Sindragasum = Jessica Rabbit, Jinkininke + Haagenti = Goth Girl, Pazuzu + Sindragasum = Twins +Action, Pazuzu + Haagenti = Devil Girl, Sindragasum + Haagenti = Tied Up Elf.

Combinations for the transformations of the guy: Kabhanda + Marchosias = Weightlifter, Kabhanda + Cerberus = Big Cock + Action, Kabhanda + Rahovart = Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Kabhanda + Furcas = Cowboy, Kabhanda + Nekomata = Sumo Wresler, Kabhanda + Incubus = Demon Apes + Action, Marchosias + Cerberus = Dracula, Marchosias + Rahovart = Mummy, Marchosias + Furcas = Gasmask, Marchosias + Nekomata = Genie, Marchosias + Incubus = Minotaur, Cerberus + Rahovart = Centuar + Action, Cerberus + Furcas = Alien, Cerberus + Nekomata = Cyclops, Cerberus + Incubus = Hellboy, Rahovart + Furcas = Alien Squid + Action, Rahovart + Nekomata = Desperado, Rahovart + Incubus = Mario, Furcas + Nekomata = Viken + Action, Furcas + Incubus = Wizard, Nekomata + Incubus = Austin Powers.

Game screenshots: 

Transformation in Lara Croft, erotic flash game Meet'N'Fuck Magic Book
Book worm and Indian girl, erotic flash game Meet'N'Fuck Magic Book
Transformation in Tarzan, erotic flash game Meet'N'Fuck Magic Book


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Comments (2)

Жалко, что Дракула не может трах... ( Ну хотя у него возраст)


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